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Auroville India

Auroville India

Auroville utopia, Auroville ,
Auroville Utopia
Auroville Film Festival

Auroville Film Festival

Sharanga, Auroville ,
Situated in Auroville, an international township dedicated to Human Unity, the Auroville Film Festival is a biennial international film festival dedicated to furthering the ideal of Human Unity in the world. Rather than imposing this theme on filmmakers, we choose to create categories that manifest the spirit of Auroville and initiate films that generate discussion around the image of Auroville. The first Auroville Film Festival was in September 2009 and featured films in 3 categories: ● Films made by Aurovilians/residents of the bioregion and films shot in Auroville by guests of Auroville ● Films made about Auroville and/or its bioregion ● Films made by students of Aurovilian schools or students of schools in the bioregion The Auroville Film Festival '13 will have an additional category: ● Films on the theme of Human Unity This festival is conceived and organised by the Multimedia Centre, Auroville.


Auroville main road, Auroville ,
Pharmacy in auroville contact me:9500151557,8015636987
Tel: 9500151557


Puducherry , Auroville ,
Auroville (City of Dawn) is an "experimental" township in Viluppuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, near Pondicherry in South India. It was founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa (also known as "The Mother") and designed by architect Roger Anger. As stated in Alfassa's first public message about the township, "Auroville is meant to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity."
Future School - A High School of Auroville

Future School - A High School of Auroville

Transformation, Auroville ,
Future School evolved from an earlier project called The Centre for Further Learning (CFL), created by two of Auroville's youth. At the time of the conception of the idea of CFL, there were at least 25 teen-agers studying in schools outside of AV. The founders of Future School believed that Auroville could not continue the search for a new Auroville-based curriculum or approach to education, without the presence and input of the age group who would be most affected. In addition, they realised that the present generation of children growing up in Auroville either came here with parents or were born here, and did not necessarily make a conscious choice of living in Auroville. Due to the reality of the world outside of Auroville, all the youth of Auroville should have the possibility and choice to equip themselves within Auroville, with the keys they will need to open doors anywhere in the world.
Auroville Earth Institute

Auroville Earth Institute

Auroshilpam, Auroville ,
The Auroville Earth Institute was previously named the Auroville Building Centre / Earth Unit, which had been founded by HUDCO, Government of India, in 1989. The development of the former building centre evolved in such a way that the Auroville Earth Institute came into existence in 2004. The Auroville Earth Institute is researching, developing, promoting and transferring earth-based technologies, which are cost and energy effective. These technologies are disseminated through training courses, seminars, workshops, manuals and documents. The Institute is also offering various services, and provides consultancy within and outside India. The emphasis is focused on the research and development of earth based technologies and their dissemination through training courses. The most promoted technology today is Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CSEB). One of the aims of the Auroville Earth Institute is to give people the possibility to create and build for themselves their own habitat, while using earth techniques. Office of the Auroville Earth Institute The Auroville Earth Institute is part of a world network with CRATerre (The International Centre for Earth Construction), ABC Terra in Brazil, and a number of Indian NGOs. A training convention has been passed with the School of Architecture of Grenoble, France, for giving long-term training courses to their students. The Auroville Earth Institute is today the representative for Asia of the UNESCO Chair "Earthen Architecture, Constructive Cultures and Sustainable Development". This Chair aims to accelerate the dissemination of scientific and technical know-how on earthen architecture amongst the higher education institutions, in the following three domains: environment and heritage, human settlements, and economy and production. The Auroville Earth Institute is also partner of BASIN South Asia – Regional Knowledge Platform and it provides information and guidance to whoever asks for it. The training course activities and the endeavour to promote raw earth as a building material for sustainable and cost effective development has brought since 1989 thirteen awards: Two international awards and eleven Indian awards.


Auroville Page on Facebook maintained by Auroville web team
Auroville Village Action Group (AVAG)

Auroville Village Action Group (AVAG)

Auroville Village Action Group Irumbai Main Road Opp. TNEB Sub-station , Tamil Nadu India, Auroville ,
Auroville Village Action Group collaborates with the rural communities to reveal their innate wisdom and ability to collectively determine and manifest their dynamic potential. Visit our website: htt
Auroville Marathon

Auroville Marathon

SaraCon, Kottakarai, Auroville ,
The 2013 edition of Auroville Marathon will be held on February 10, 2013! Mark that date!