Business and Personal web pages from India Search result

Metro Junction Mall

Metro Junction Mall

Netivali, Kalyan ,
West Pioneer Properties’ first shopping mall, in Kalyan, 30 miles North-East of Mumbai, is the shoppers own place and it is completely customer centric. It has been built seen things from the customer perspective. The unique feature of the mall includes open air plaza, water bodies, and harmonious landscapes. Customer and retail understanding, focus strategy, rooted to the ground level start, non-intermediating, and customer friendly structure The 5,50,000 sq ft. mall, called Metro Junction composes of an Amusement Park, Game Zone, Retail Space, Food Court and Multiplex. Kalyan’s first five screen multiplex including one exclusive Gold Class screen of 46 seats which is accompanied with an exclusive Gold Class Lounge. The multiplex has an overall capacity of 1320 seats. Kalyan’s first Amusement Park, and dedicated retail space, such as Big Bazaar - the largest outlet on a single level anywhere in India, The Loot – the largest store in India, Fashion Yatra, F123 – the gaming zone and McDonald's listed as their major retailers. With so many firsts in its credit the West Pioneer is proud to unveil Metro Junction, Kalyan’s first mall offering a truly international retail, entertainment and leisure experience for the entire family. Metro Junction is a salute to the big -heartedness and the dynamic spirit of the families in the Sec B and above categories who reside in a thirty minute travel time radius to the Mall. Metro Junction conceived as a place for family outings at affordable prices. It emphasize its convenience to families in the trade area by providing all shopping and entertainment options under one roof, complementing this with easy and low cost access to the location. It allows families to do their chore shopping of quality items and fresh products at comparatively lower prices and in a modern, clean and friendly environment. It provides ample opportunities for pleasure shopping as well as a host of entertainment options through a Multiplex, Amusement Park, Kids Area, Game Zone and a Food court. The Metro Junction mega structure is planned over 5, 50,000 square feet of covered area as an integrated commercial development. At the heart of the structure is a grand visually spectacular atrium that reinforces the impression of vast open spaces and imparts a feeling of grandiose and unmatched architectural scale. The activity area in the center is ideally suited to host mega events like car launches and fashion shows. The sheer size and scale positions Metro Junction as the BIG ONE among all planned and existing shopping malls in Central Mumbai with the latest concept of the shopping mall development. The design and architecture of the Metro Junction is based on the fundamental principle of delivering a unique retail, entertainment and leisure experience. Stress free shopping with conveniently placed sit downs on every floor and high speed elevators and escalators linking each floor. Ample multiple level parking allows convenient access to different shopping, leisure and entertainment areas. Environmentally friendly design with large open to sky spaces, greenery landscaped with water bodies and fountains, for a controlled microclimate and dust control regime. Design features include ramps for wheel chair, specially designated parking areas, specially designed rest room facilities.
Kalyan City

Kalyan City

Kalyan,Thane, Kalyan ,
Facebook Page for Kalyankar's to give information @ our own City
Holiday Makerz

Holiday Makerz

Holiday Makerz is a travel agency which envisages to meet the demands of our customers. We patronize India as a tour destination and strive to make your travel experience worth your money and time. We Specializes in: 1. Jammu-Katra-Kashmir 2. Leh Ladakh 3. Dehradun 4. Mussorrie 5. Nainital 6. Shimla - Manali 7. Rajasthan 8. Chandigarh 9. Punjab 10. Delhi -Agra 11. Sikkim 12. Darjeeling 13. Goa and other parts of India, as tour destination. Our soul responsibility is to make your holiday a rejuvenating experience. Come Experience India!!!! For any queries please contact -8605022300
Kalyan Net Services

Kalyan Net Services

Phulwade niwas, adharwadi chowk, Kalyan ,
First time in kalyan fastest internet connection for low price. Features DC++ (HUB) Online games. Tailor made plans also available. Get 10Mbps connection only at 300rs....................
Tel: 8097384084


All mobail's and dth recharge available in general store g.collony
Tel: 9902906090
SFI-Kalyani University Local Commitee

SFI-Kalyani University Local Commitee

University Of Kalyani, Kalyani ,
Students Federation of India (SFI) is one of the major student organisations in India. Founded in 1970. As of 2012, it claims a membership strength of nearly 40 lakhs school and university students.. Students’ federation of India was formed through its First Conference which was held at Thiruvananthapuram between December 27to 30th in the year 1970. In the latter half of 1970 student leaders from various states assembled together at Calcutta and decided to form a new student organization which is committed to bring together the students of our country and lead them on issues such as radical education reforms, employment, safeguarding and expansion of democratic rights and give the students movement of our country a new and correct direction leads to the formation of Students Federation of India. The Students Federation of India has grown into one of the biggest student organization in the country. The Students Federation of India leads the University Unions in all the Universities in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura. The very fact that the Students Federation of India commands majority in almost all the colleges/schools/polytechnics/Industrial Training Institute/Professional institutions including the Engineering and Medical Colleges in these states. All this years SFI in its march forward under the banner of Independence, Democracy, socialism had to deal with and counter various wrong tendencies with in the student movement. These 40 years have been very difficult years. In the last forty year right from Comrade Devapalan to Comrade. Aneesh Rajan, around 31 Cadres have become martyrs to the cruel and barbaric deeds of the fundamentalist and right wing forces operating in the state. Several of its members were tortured, Jailed and academically victimized. SFI was able to with stand the stiff resistance offered by all sections offered by who want to divide the student community on the basis of religion and caste and to commercially education. A section of the media nursing the capitalist and feudal ideologies with the active assistance of the pseudo intelligentsia who put forward the age old reactionary slogan that students should not take part in politics have made many an attempt to destroy the organization by spreading false and untrue campaign whereby trying to show the organization in poor light. However, the organization has outlived such malicious motives, thanks of the unflinching commitment by the rank and file of the organization and the continuous support of the student community. SFI becomes the prime target of all reactionary forces because the enemies of the people recognize that from within the student community it represents the main danger challenging their authority. During the period of emergency, when the democratic set up was facing its greatest peril, SFI organized many protests and student agitations to uphold the principles of democracy. Many of its cadres were jailed arbitrarily and because victims of organized torture. Comrade Mohammed Mustafa died as a result of the torture inflicted by the police. It is after the emergency period that the state organization witnessed a tremendous growth. The efforts of the organization in upholding the principles of justice and democracy were recognized and appreciated by the entire society including the student community. On the basis of martyrdom and glorious sacrifices of its members SFI today become the leading force in uniting the students on common issue. It is only the consistent efforts of the organization in upholding and catering to the needs of the students, the organization could grow into as where it stands today. No other organization has waged its struggle as the Students Federation of India against ragging and exploitation of students, attempts to communally polarize the student community etc. The Students Federation of India throughout the years has effectively warded off all diabolic attempts to commercialize education, which is detrimental to the interests of the student community. [edit]Philosophy The Students’ Federation of India (SFI) is a Marxist organization. It is the student wing of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). The slogan of the SFI is “Independence, Democracy, and Socialism!” The SFI believes that education is a major tool of social transformation and that this concept is especially relevant in a country like India, where regressive forces still prevail. Proper education, they believe, will counteract such forces and will help to build a new society based on rationality and justice. The SFI is an organization of students which is ever aware of its role in society. It identifies with a society's progressive forces and is totally committed to the idea of independence, democracy, and socialism. [edit]Aims and Objectives The following has been stated as the objective of the SFI in its Political program[2][3] 1. The Students’ Federation of India takes upon itself the task of organizing the students in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions of the country and also Indian students studying abroad under its banner to build a powerful and well-knit student movement for the upliftment and betterment of the student community 2. The Students’ Federation of India fights for the realisation of its aim to establish a democratic, scientific, secular and progressive educational system ensuring education and job for all that calls for the implementation of comprehensive land reforms, elimination of the stranglehold of international finance capital and indigenous monopoly capitalism. The Students’ Federation of India aims to accomplish this by organizing the student community in the struggles of the wider democratic movement of the workers, peasants, and other progressive forces 3. The Students’ Federation of India as a forward-looking and progressive student organization shall inscribe on its banner, “Independence, Democracy and Socialism”. It is with this perspective that Students’ Federation of India is committed to strive for a society free from all exploitation. It shall fight all such alien trends and tendencies that are disruptive of our struggle for the emancipation of our people and country 4. The Students’ Federation of India will continuously work to ensure all necessary facilities for complete and meaningful education – hostel, library and laboratory, sports and games, athletics and physical training, culture and entertainment, and other educative and social activities – that will be adequate and within the reach of all students. The Students’ Federation of India will continuously fight for the attainment of all just and democratic rights of students. It will fight and work for the right of students to democratic and independent expression and conduct, to form unions and associations, to assemble, to participate in the management of educational institutions and in all activities connected with the academic and other aspects of student life. The Students’ Federation of India will strive to develop the Students’ urge for more and more knowledge and to inculcate among students the practice of self-education and self-discipline. The Students’ Federation of India will further strive to develop close-knit relations between teachers, non-teaching staff, guardians, students and the rest of the academic community, and foster mutual respect and regard between them. The Students’ Federation of India will untiringly resist any attempt to drive a wedge between the students and the rest of the academic community. It will also oppose all attempts to alienate the student community from other democratic and toiling sections of our people. 5. The Students’ Federation of India, while stressing the duty and necessity of the student community for diligent and industrious study of the humanities and the sciences to equip themselves with adequate knowledge and enlightenment, simultaneously seeks to encourage and promote their thirst for political and social knowledge and consciousness. The students should thus be adequately prepared, on leaving school or college, to play their rightful role as conscio
Tel: 9804792443
Akashmitra Mandal,Kalyan

Akashmitra Mandal,Kalyan

Akashmitra Mandal, Kalyan Kalyan Mahila Mandal Sabhagruha Near Subhash Maidan & Atre theatre, Kalyan ,
Akashmitra is an amateur Astronomers’ Organization based in Kalyan (near Mumbai – India). It works to create awareness about Astronomy in society.

near kalyan stn, Kalyan ,
Introducing new concept of web marketting.Dedicated to Kalyan City. Post your free adv in few sec.
Tel: 9167858686
Nutan Dnyan Mandir, kalyan East.

Nutan Dnyan Mandir, kalyan East.

Puna link Road,, Kalyan ,
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