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CPI(M) 20th Party Congress Reception Committee Office Near NGO Union Hall Wayanad Road, Kozhikode ,
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) which champions the high ideals of scientific socialism has been in the forefront of the fight for the emancipation of the downtrodden of Indian soil, ever since its inception. The Party which is totally committed to Marxism- Leninism and proletarian internationalism has been surging ahead, fighting against the revisionist tendencies on the one hand and left adventurist aberrations on the other. The CPI(M) which inherits the rich heritage of the valiant anti-imperialist struggle against the British has taken an uncompromising stand against the authoritarian onslaught during the internal emergency and against the communal forces that are bent upon balkanizing the country. The concept of the party organization evolved in the deliberations in Tashkent in 1920, got concreted in the year 1933 with the forming of the first central committee of the Communist party of India. Prior to that too various groups of communists had come up in various parts of the country. The first congress of the party was held in Bombay in the year 1943. It was the radical congress socialists who were disillusioned at the hobnobbing of the congress with the capitalists, federalists and the British that demarcated themselves and later turned to be the members of the communist party. The Party, which has a membership of 10,26, 326 is presently heralding the causes of the dispossessed, the exploited and the repressed masses. CPIM which holds the objective of the peoples democratic revolution close to its heart is presently engaged in the struggle for the defense of the values of socialism, sovereignty and unity. It boldly confronts the forces of the neo- liberal economic polices that are detrimental to the interest of the nation on the one hand, and fights against the communal forces that are keen to disrupt the unity of the people on cast and communal lines on the other. It also leads the people in the struggle against the machinations of the imperialists who are keen to destabilize India by hook and crook.