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NSS IIT Roorkee Rural Transformation Cell

NSS IIT Roorkee Rural Transformation Cell

IIT Roorkee, Roorkee ,
The cell is a student organization with a streng of 180 students who work regularly in various fields aimed at upliftment of the rural masses . The cell is further composed of four sub cells :- 1. RT eduslum 2. RT education 3. RT awareness 4. RT navodaya 5. Model Village 6. RT Technocreative 7. Nirmaan Each of these is dedicated to regular activities in diverse as outlined below :- RT Eduslum - Teaching of physically handicapped children from underprivileged sections in khanjarpur village. Besides during the previous years of its functioning the cell was involved inteaching kids living in slum areas of Telliwala village RT Education - Regular teaching of kids from khanjarpur and sheel kunj.Classes are conducted weekdays in evening besides conducting workshops like on basic mathematics , trigonometry are also undertaken by the students to make the process of learning more interactive and interesting. The cell proudly has to its credit carrying out one of the most successful and regularized activity of teaching village kids . RT Awareness - Believing in the power of awakened masses the cell is actively involved in dispersing knowledge on topics like NREGA , Ration Cards and Public Distribution system , Tuberculosis , Cholera , Polio etc ,in villages. Also help of nukad nataks and skits is being taken in this process. RT Technocreative:-Technocreative cell one of the latest additions to Rural Transformation division of NSS with the aim of providing a good coverage to the extensive off-campus activities of NSS.The cell’s function would be to cover each and every activity of the off-campus cells-Nirman, Eduslum & Prayaas, Navodaya, Disha, Model Village and Awareness.We will be preparing the documentation of all events organized and as well as weekly reports in order to track the progress of the cells. Pamphlets of the same will be released so that the campus is aware of our activities. Along with the on campus publicity, we also ensure that articles regarding our activities get published in the local newspapers so that the entire Roorkee is aware of the activities of students of NSS IITR. Navodaya:-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya known as JNV are Indian schhools for talented children and form a part of the system of gifted education. The objectives of the scheme are to provide good quality modern education to the children predominantly from rural areas, without regard to their family's socio-economic condition. Nimaan:- It’s easiest to educate children by the way of games and this is the reason why we think there is a need to introduce as many educational games as possible at the same time taking care to make them play games which promote physical fitness.It majorly focuses on organizing regular teaching sessions for students of higher classes.We will be taking care of making the kids familiar with the most basic elements of education like alphabets,numbers,the names of fruits trees etc.To hone their spoken language, we are thinking of organizing poem recitation competitions.All in all, the sessions will be designed to be highly entertaining and enlightening ones.Apart from organizing edu-games , we also plan to show some educative videos to the children regarding health care, education etc. Model Village:- Determined for the sustainable development of the village. Vision is to prepare a exhaustive report about the development of the village. However the participation of all the cells is a prominent feature in all the activities inspite of diversification. In november 2010 , RT cell conducted ASER(Annual Status of education Report) survey in collaboration with NGO Pratham to assess the literacy level of children in 30 villages in uttarakhand. Surveys were conducted on gauging the extent of child labour in surrounding areas of Roorkee . For the sample selection two villages were chosen :- 1. Kaliyar 2.Mangalore and the report was presented in PAN IIT Conclave 2010 held in noida. As one its latest initiatives the cell is carrying out survey to prepare a feasibility report on the implementation of solar energy and gobar gas plants in Toda kalyanpur village .